Water Right Claimants

The State of New Mexico (the “State”) and the water rights claimants listed below have requested that the Court enter the following Subfile Judgments by consent.

Any other water claimant in the Animas who objects to the adjudication of the water right in the manner stated in the Consent Judgments listed below must file a Notice of Intent to Participate in Inter Se Proceedings (Exhibit I to Procedural Order), with the Court by the date stated below.  Any claimant who does not file an Inter Se Objection by the required date will be bound by any judgment ultimately entered by the Court adjudicating the water right.

See Procedural Order Governing Expedited inter se Adjudication of State Law Water Rights, filed 4-22-14 at subparagraph B.1., Rule 1.701.1 NMRA.

Water Right Claimant and AUB Number“Proposed” Subfile Final JudgmentDeadline for Filing Inter Se Objection and Notice of Intent

Objections to Proposed Subfile Final Judgements

The following water rights claimants have objected to the adjudication of their water rights in the manner described:

The water rights claimants listed below have objected to the adjudication of their water rights in the manner described in the rejected sub-file judgments listed below. The Court will conduct one or more hearings to resolve the claimant’s objections and adjudicate the claimant’s water rights. Any other claimant in the basin who wants to participate in the adjudication of the water right must file an Inter Se Objection to Proposed Subfile Judgment (intent to participate) with the Court by the date stated below. Any claimant who does not file an Inter Se Objection and Notice by the required date will be bound by any judgment ultimately entered by the Court adjudicating the water right. See Procedural Order Governing Expedited inter se Adjudication of State Law Water Rights, filed 4-22-14 at subparagraph B.1., Rule 1.701.1 NMRA.

Water Right Claimant and AUB numberRejected JudgmentInter Se Objection and Notice of Intent AND date of filing
**None at this time**

Should any of the links fail or should you have any issues with this website, please contact Javier Cuevas @ 575-528-8370 or lcrdjxc@nmcourts.gov.

If you require documents not listed herein, please contact the District Court at 575-542-3411.