Notice of Issuance of Summonses on September 25 2023- AUB-039-1008 Filed 9-25-2023

Notice of Issuance of Summonses on September 25 2023-AUB-039-1007 Filed 9-25-2023

Return of Service- AUB-027-1006 Colton Rudiger Filed 8-21-2023

Return of Service- AUB-031-1004 JO Bar Ranch LLC Filed 8-18-2023

Notice of Issuance of Summonses on August 11 2023- AUB-0311004 Filed 8-11-2023

Notice of Issuance of Summonses on August 11 2023- AUB-0271006 Colton Rudger Filed 8-11-2023

Returned Mail- Filed 7-14-2023

Memorandum Opinion- AUB-012-0004 Filed 4-26-2023

Memorandum Opinion- AUB-012-0014 Filed 4-26-2023

Memorandum Opinion- AUB-011-0004B Filed 4-26-2023

Memorandum Opinion- AUB-011-0001D

Mandate- AUB-011-0004B Filed 4-26-2023

Mandate- AUB-011-0001D Filed 4-26-2023

Mandate- AUB-011-0001C Filed 4-26-2023

Memorandum Opinion- AUB-011-0001C Filed 4-26-2023

Memorandum Opinion- AUB-011-0001B FIled 4-26-2023

Mandate- AUB-011-0001B Filed 4-26-2023

Memorandum Opinion- AUB-013-0003A Filed 4-26-2023

Memorandum Opinion- AUB-011-0001A- filed 4-26-2023

Mandate- AUB-011-0001A Filed 4-26-2023